How to Set Up a Caga Tio Party | Catalan Tradition  

What is Caga Tio? 

Caga Tio Party, also known as “Tió de Nadal” or the “Christmas Log,” is a traditional Catalan Christmas custom in Spain. It is a hollow wooden log, often painted with a smiling face and adorned with a red hat. Starting on December 8th, families “feed” Caga Tio small treats each night until Christmas Eve. On the special day, children gather around and sing traditional songs while hitting the log with sticks, symbolizing the act of making it “poop” out the treats it has “eaten.” The treats typically include candies, nuts, and dried fruits, which are then shared among family members and enjoyed as part of the festive celebrations. The tradition is cherished as a way to bring joy and amusement to the Christmas season while reinforcing family bonds and cultural heritage. 

Hey there, partygoers! Get ready to celebrate the delightful Catalan tradition of Caga Tio with a bang. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or attending one, we’ve got ten essential items to bring to the Caga Tio party. From festive decor to delicious treats, these goodies will make the celebration extra special. 

1. Caga Tio Log 

First and foremost, you can’t have a Caga Tio party without the star of the show – the Caga Tio log itself! Bring your own Caga Tio log, preferably a small one, so everyone can take turns “feeding” it with treats and goodies before the big reveal. 

2. Turrón and Sweet Delicacies 

Indulge in the sweet flavors of Catalonia with traditional turrón. Bring an assortment of almond or nougat turrón for everyone to enjoy after the Caga Tio is “beaten” to release the treats hidden inside. Add other sweet delicacies like neules and marzipan for a delectable treat table. 

3. Festive Christmas Decorations 

Set the festive mood by bringing some Christmas decorations to the party. Christmas lights, garlands, and ornaments will add a touch of holiday spirit to the celebration. Don’t forget some mistletoe for extra cheer and a chance to steal a kiss! 

4. Red Hat and Blanket for Caga Tio 

Dress up your Caga Tio log with a red hat and a cozy blanket to keep it warm and festive. Bring these accessories to make sure your Caga Tio is dressed to impress and ready for the party. 

5. Hot Chocolate and Churros 

Warm up with a traditional Spanish treat – hot chocolate and churros! Bring a thermos of rich, thick hot chocolate and a batch of crispy churros for dipping. It’s the perfect combination to keep everyone cozy and satisfied. 

6. Small Gifts for Children 

In the spirit of giving, bring small gifts or candies for the children attending the party. After the Caga Tio has “pooped” out the treats, surprise the little ones with some extra goodies to add to their joy.

Caga Tio Party

 Caga Tio Party

7. Caga Tio Song Lyrics 

Keep the Catalan tradition alive by bringing along the lyrics to the Caga Tio song. It’s a fun and catchy tune that everyone can sing together while they take turns hitting the log. 

8. Catalan Christmas Music Playlist 

Enhance the party atmosphere with a playlist of Catalan Christmas music. Bring your favorite tunes or create a playlist with traditional Catalan carols and festive songs to set the mood. 

9. Cava and Sparkling Wine 

Toast to the holiday season with a bottle of Cava, the sparkling wine of Catalonia. Bring a few bottles to share with friends and family, and raise your glasses for a memorable Caga Tio celebration. 

10. Good Company and Festive Spirit 

Last but not least, the most important thing to bring to the Caga Tio party is your good company and festive spirit! Be ready to have a jolly good time, share laughter and joy, and create lasting memories with your loved ones. 

There you have it, party enthusiasts! Ten essential things to bring to a Caga Tio celebration. Get your Caga Tio log ready, gather your goodies, and embrace the rich traditions of Catalonia. Feliz Navidad and happy Caga Tio partying! 

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